


Talking the Talk

19/12/2018 | Weddings

Talking the Talk

Here’s our top tips for all you lucky groom’s!

Your big day will come and go in a heartbeat, so cherish every second of it; Even the ‘dreaded speech’ that you have rehearsed a million times. Public speaking isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, in fact it’s estimated that 75% of the world’s population have some anxiety when it comes to public speaking, so you are not the only one to fear your wedding speech!

To make things worse you are the last to speak, so while your best man is annihilating you in front of everyone, telling the most embarrassing stories about the immature you and while everybody may be laughing, avoid all eye-contact with your wife’s parents as they will be giving you the “my daughter is divorcing you in the morning” glare and this only adds to the pressure as your best-man is absolutely nailing his speech and your sitting there thinking a thousand thoughts; Is it too late to re-choose my best man, where is the nearest exit? All of which is perfectly normal, (so always make sure you get a plan of your wedding room & specifically ask for all exits to be highlighted)

Next up is the father-in-law, he may or may not welcome you into his family with open arms depending on how much damage your best man has done with his speech. Normally your father-in-law’s speech is heart-warming & up lifting but again nothing is guaranteed in life so be prepared. After having welcomed you into his family he will then move on to his princess who you must spend the rest of your life loving & protecting! He may also include some stories and jokes in his speech (laugh at them all) then he may share some tips of a successful marriage which may prove to be invaluable.

Your time to shine, the moment you have been waiting for is here.

Tip 1; Thank You’s

Thank those who have spoken before you (even your best man), those who have made the effort to share your special day with you and the newly wedded bride (as no people, no party), your new wife, both families and close friends who have been with you every step of the way, sharing their precious advice and support! (You may even have bought gifts for specific people to thank them)

Tip 2; Short and Sweet

Don’t rush, relax! Nobody wants to listen to you mumble on for 30 minutes, so keep your speech short and sweet, 6-8 minutes maximum as your guests will have been sitting for quite a while listening to all the other speeches so they may be getting tired and bored therefore it’s crucial to weave some light-hearted humour throughout your speech to maintain the audience’s attention, but be careful you don’t go over the top.

Tip 3; Brownie Points

Although you want to embarrass your bride a little, there is always room for a little sincerity. Show everyone what you fell in love with, that cute adorable side. Your aim is to have your guests a little eye-watery (Send them on an emotional roller coaster) Remind your bride the reasons why you feel in love with her, speak from the heart and tell her why she is special to you!

Tip 4; The Toast

After what seemed an eternity, you may now raise a toast to your beautiful wife, get ready for a night of fun & look forward to the future!

Lastly, I will leave you with some Do’s & Don’ts


  • Use your speech to get revenge on your best man (Your day will come)
  • Poke fun at your newly wedded wife (Her parents will be there)
  • Leave planning your speech until the night before (It takes time)
  • Avoid inside jokes that only a few will get


  • Speak from the heart
  • Waive in appropriate humour
  • Run any jokes you may have about your bride to be past her bridesmaids (This will avoid humiliating her)
  •  Time your speech when practicing it
  • Enjoy it (It’s not every day you get married)

Good-luck, hopefully you find this useful and will be well prepared for your big day!